Bye-bye writer’s block, hello published author!

Get the writing knowledge, community accountability, and industry connections you’ve always wanted.

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Nadine writing on notebook

Writer Workout Membership

$79/mon OR $780/YR =$65/mon!

Writers need accountability and inspiration. The solution? The Writer Workout Membership! It’s like a weekly workout for your creativity. Meet with other women writers weekly via Zoom at 12CT on Mondays. Nadine gives MFA-level craft talks and creative prompts, then you write for 20-30 min in the company of other amazing women. There's optional sharing at the end. You also get access to the exclusive members’ page, with a whole library of replay lessons.

The best part? You're in a network of women writers from all over the world who share resources, industry connections, and supportive encouragement. The women in this group have published hundreds of pieces!

Writer Workout
Every year
Every month

Publish the Personal course

Next Cohort: summer or fall 2024

Want to get your personal essays published in major magazines? Countless Publish the Personal students have gotten published in the NY Times, the Sun, the Boston Globe, Brevity, and more! Whether you’re a emerging or expert writer, this class gives you the knowledge, assignments, deadlines, and accountability to get your essays published! It’s our most popular course and many students return again and again because it delivers results fast.

Hand on notebook

Memoir Mastermind

Sold OUT

Does it feel like you’re writing in a vacuum and you can no longer tell what's resonating with readers? Or maybe your memoir or essay project is at a standstill because you have no deadlines and accountability.

This is a feedback-focused mastermind limited to a small group of writers who are ready to finally take their writing to the next level. We’ll meet twice a month for 5 months, and each writer will get workshopped & coached each time--a 20-25 min hot-seat time dedicated solely to you each session.

This Mastermind combines the perks of one-on-one mentorship with the community of an intimate cohort. Don’t let any more months pass without making progress on your projects. Finally get the feedback you need in order to finish and publish. Join the ranks of the 15 writers who have published their books in the last 3 years.

Nadine working with client

One-on One Consultation


If you already have a draft of your essay, chapters, or entire book but you need to know how it resonates with an audience, manuscript consultations help you make your writing irresistible to agents, editors, and readers.

Here's how it works: You turn in your draft, Nadine reads it and gives thorough written feedback, then you join her for an encouraging consultation on Zoom. So many writers waste years getting overlooked by agents and editors because they didn't have their manuscript reviewed with a critical eye. Bypass the wait (and the pain of rejections) by taking the fast track to publishing town with this powerful one-on-one consultation.

How does it feel to be a published writer?


Have more questions? Inquire, book a call, and turn your writing dreams into reality.